Acne Care Treatment: How Can You Improve Your Diet To Prevent Acne?

Are you suffering from acne? Have you tried over-the-counter medications, but your acne keeps on coming back? If your intention is to prevent acne, and not just to get rid of the odd pimple or two, then you need to at more holistic acne care treatment. That means you need to go beyond just applying a topical cream like benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil to get rid of your pimples. You also need to examine your lifestyle and diet.

Mother Nature made the human body to be pretty robust. You can survive in quite a wide range of unfriendly environments, living an intense lifestyle, without any immediate problems. However, you can’t run away from the side-effects forever. Sooner rather than later, the problems start showing up - acne, constipation, slowed reflexes, slower healing from wounds, etc.

People living in rural communities rarely get problems like acne. Most of them eat healthy food. They usually drink enough water and eat sufficient fruits and vegetables. They also don’t over-eat meat and greasy foods. Basically, if you eat following the classical food guide pyramid (created by the USDA in 1992), you are less likely to suffer from severe acne. To be honest, this guide is overly simplistic and flawed - it is not the most effective healthy eating guide. That honor goes to the Healthy Eating Pyramid created by Harvard Medical School. Studies have shown that men who follow the more sophisticated eating guide by Harvard reduce their risk of suffering a major chronic disease by 20%. Women gain an improvement of 11%.

Why Is Water Important In Acne Care Treatment?

70% of our bodies is made of water. This water is critical to move nutrients from our digestive system to the cells which need them. This includes our skin cells. If our skin does not get enough nutrients, then it may not be strong enough to fight off the bacteria which causes acne. Water plays another important role - it moves the waste products from our cells to our kidneys for purification. This prevents the build-up of toxic waste in our cells (including our skin cells). When we don’t drink enough water, our skin will not get enough nutrients, and becomes soaked in toxic waste products, so we are more likely to get pimples.

Fruits And Vegetables For Natural Acne Skin Care

I like to eat meat myself, so I’m not going to try and persuade you to go vegetarian. But if you suffer from acne, you may want to try adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. They do two important things for you:

  • Provide vitamins and nutrients not found in meat. One famous example is Vitamin C which can only be found in fruits and vegetables - you need this for both general health and healthy skin.

  • Provide fiber which helps your digestive system to work better. Good digestion helps you to absorb more nutrients from your food, which is always a good thing.

For a long time, I ate one serving of vegetables with my lunch. Together with lots of water, moderate rest and light exercise, this seemed to be sufficient for me. Then I started growing older…

Among other problems, I started getting more acne breakouts. When I added two slices of fruit to my dinner, my acne went into remission again.

Following the Food Guide Pyramid (or Healthy Eating Pyramid) and eating a more healthy diet will not guarantee acne-free skin. However, because most people who suffer from acne (like myself) eat very low quality diets, making the effort to eat more healthy meals will often show good results. Remember that the health of your internal organs is often reflected in your skin.

By Agnes Scott

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